Skill leveling progress

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So I'm not entirely certain, but it seems to me that your skills level with a constant progress value each time an action is performed.

This encourages grinding, as I currently find myself burning sticks over and over to boost my firestarting skill when I have the time.  I feel that this should be mitigated somehow to remove incentives to grind.

Just a suggestion but perhaps your firestarting skill should also account for total burn time of the fire?  It seems too easy to merely burn a stick, let it die, then repeat.


Also for skinning and cooking, perhaps skinning and cooking a rabbit as opposed to a bear should yield less experience.

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23 hours ago, Loppysaurusrex said:

This encourages grinding, as I currently find myself burning sticks over and over to boost my firestarting skill when I have the time.  I feel that this should be mitigated somehow to remove incentives to grind.

Firestarting has an old exploit that woks just fine even after all the "improvements".

Start a fire, add 3 sticks, take brand, use it to lit up next fire, and just keep on going. Can max out skill with just 1 match and enough sticks, since everything else is renewable.

There should be a timer on skill gains, as player can gain skill points twice in consecutive order, but then there is small delay added, that keeps increasing as skill si being reused again and again in short window of time.

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