Starting all over...


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Prior to this patch, I had 100% chance to start a fire, even if I was using a fir or cedar log as the fuel source.  Once the patch hit, I'm down to 70% chance to start a fire if using a stick as the primary source.  Is this just collateral damage from the patch?  Or is this a bug of some type?  Did everyone's skills sort of "reset" like that?

One GREAT thing that reset in my games is all of the natural lootable stuff: lichen, rose hips, mushrooms, cat tails, saplings, etc.  The saplings, alone, will give me another hundred-plus days of survival, easy.  But I wonder if that was supposed to happen, as well?

I'm taking the good with the bad on this one because it's great to have those collectibles again-- but I'm 115 days into survival and having trouble starting fires, which is odd.

Working as intended?  Have others had similar experiences?

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Just had a look myself. definetely new stuff has spawned, but i don't think its a reset. I'm still finding the chopped saplings and not all the hips are back, it seems like the udpdate triggered a different set of spawns. 

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6 hours ago, madrepityu said:

Well, don't update the game next time, if you can't handle such things. There's always some issues with older saved games. Start a new game instead, and you will be fine.

You seem to think I'm complaining.  I'm not.  I was simply asking if things are working as they are intended to.  I can "handle such things" just fine.

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Something for sure seems at least a little amiss to me. I decided to leave ML and head to DP in order to craft some arrowheads after having recently lost an arrow or two when I shot an animal and never found the body again. In making my way through CH, where I have spent some time before, I have not seen response of natural goods that I harvested before. I see places where I already cut down saplings and such. So it seems as though the "reset" only happened in ML, for me. I'm not sure what to make of that. 

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In terms of the fire starting chance, I'm almost certain that's working as intended, with the skill reset being an unfortunate, but foreseen byproduct. Basically, the new skills system has replaced the old, so all the skill you acquired in the old system is gone, as that system is no longer in place (for some things, including fire starting). Meanwhile, having not yet leveled up in the new system, you're back to a newbie's starting stats. 

Keep in mind, I am not a developer on this project, so my answer is not in any way official. But I'm fairly confident that it's correct. 

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On the fire making: my character started with level 4 right after the update, so this one at least converted. The rest of the skills indeed started from square one. 

On the reset: I can already confirm new spawns on PV and ML. Will travel to CH,DP and TWM to have a look as soon as I have a chance. 

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