[BUG] efficient machine is working, but counts much slower than should


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Platform: OSX

Version: 347

Description: If 500 days means 100% of badge progress then 1% should tick once in a 5 days. On the first screenshot it's day 279, the day I got stuck in the snow shelter and it was the day Patrick told me you fixed the "Efficient Machine" badge progress. My badge progress was 0% at the time and it increased to 1% on a day 300. I decided to watch this badge progress while I work on other badges. Second screenshot shows the day 323 and it's still 1% of "Efficient Machine". It does't work as it should, that's for sure.

While trying to get "Machine" progress up to 2% my "Cold Fusion" went from 54 up to 100, I got the "Free Runner" badge, so it looks like 50 days passed already.



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I didnt say about retroactivity, man. I know math is hard science so it's not obvious, but I should get 1% every 5 days, 100% for 500 days. I spent 50 days and got 1%. That means progress is much slower than it should be. Or no progress at all.

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Summary: Efficient Machine is always at 0% and shows no Progress-Bar

Version: V.348

Platform: Windows(8), 64Bit

Location: everywhere

Reproduction Rate: always

Description: I'm on Day 51, so the Progressbar should show anything and i should be at ~10%



002 Badges-EfficientMachine.jpg

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