Gunpowder as accelerant


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It occurred to me (as I was outdoors and critically low on fuel and matches) that if only I could sacrifice one of my cartridges by emptying the powder out and using it as an accelerant, I would have a fighting chance to survive the night. The empty brass shell casing might even come in handy if I could get to a forge...

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Welcome to the forums @RustIronCrowe! ^_^

Maybe... but maybe not. Gunpowder can (potentially) help light a fire but it's not super effective on it's own (smokeless powder burns too quickly). Not to say it can't be done but given the option between doubling my amount of tinder for a fire lighting bonus versus using gunpowder I'd rather double up the tinder.

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I am thinking specifically as its use as an accelerant, rather than as a substitute for tinder. In this capacity it would be sacrificing a cartridge to give a similar boost to the combustion as lighter fluid or kerosene does (i.e.: +40% or whatever it may be).

Thank you for the welcome discussion @cekivi

Edit: Afterthought - the .303 cartridge would contain cordite.

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I like this idea.

Not simply because it would be common sense for the character to try, but also because The Long Dark is a game where survival is based upon player choice, and player risk and sacrifice. Using your last cartridge to start a fire you could potentially light without one is a risky move, but it may help you survive. 

Just like the decision to stay holed up or head out into a dense fog. 

Or to try and navigate a cave with only a brand, hoping it wont burn outbefore you find the exit...

These sorts of choices are what makes The Long Dark my favorite game.

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