Water boiling fail


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So I made a fire for 5 hours, melted 10 liters of water and proceeded to boiling. While I was using menus to increase the amount of water to boil - one in-game minute passed. I got one minute short but I think "it's ok, the embers will save me" and I end up with 10 liters of UNBOILED water. I just hate devs every time it happens. 

I boiled 10 liters of water for 1 hour and 39 minutes and it's not ok because it needed one extra minute to become drinkable? 

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It's the double edged sword of not needing containers to boil water. There's no limit on how much you can boil at once but if the entire pot is not kept boiling for so much time there is the potential for bacteria to remain. If "advanced cooking" means there will be mess kits added to future alphas I suspect this problem will self correct.

For the moment though I agree that it is annoying. Especially since embers are still more than hot enough to boil something

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@karabassnot really a solution so much as a workaround/suggestion: after that same thing happened to me a few times I changed to only melting then immediately boiling 1~2 L at a time.

And that's saved me a lot of headaches ever since, mainly due to factors such as a sudden wind blowing my fire out, etc. I wanted (for example) 5 L of potable water but only got 3 out of it. Still, better than less than 3.

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