Harvest water from fishing hole


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It would be a good idea to add the possibility for the player to harvest impure water from the fishing holes once they've been broken.

This water would then need to be boiled/purified but at least the melting snow step would not be required if a fishing hole has been cleared already; and it would make fishing a bit more rewarding IMHO - right now if you need to heat up a stove while fishing it's a pretty expensive source of calories due to the wood required; this way if you decide to fish you know it'll also make for an easier source of water at the same time.

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Welcome to the forums @Michael70z!

2 hours ago, Michael70z said:

It would work well once they add frostbite (that's coming up in roadmap) because you could get frostbite on your hands for doing it.  I really like this idea and hope hinderland adds it.

Good idea - tieing some rope to a bucket could alleviate this though. Still, gotta find some rope and a bucket.

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Frostbite in real life would depend on the weather and how long you immerse your hands for. On a warm day sticking your hands down the ice fishing hole isn't too bad. It's a good way to clean off fish slime actually and then you dry off in the snow and put your mitts back on. Cold, windy day... yeah, you're going to have a bad time O.o

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