Drying Rack for animal skin/guts

jeremiah johnson

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I would like to be able to hang my animal skins/guts on a rack to dry instead of simply putting them on the floor. I think this might make the game feel less cluttered. Also, if you made the rack something to build then this would give the game an additional objective as you would have to seek the materials. simple yes, but still something more to add to the game. You could use nails from other items you have broken down to create fire wood or maybe a combination of dried animal guts and old mans beard or something like that. Thoughts???

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  • 4 weeks later...

From the wiki on rawhide: "The skin from buffalo, deer, elk or cattle from which most rawhide originates is prepared by removing all fur, meat and fat. The hide is then usually stretched over a frame before being dried."

I want something like all the racks sitting around in skyrim, where the npcs sit there scraping the hide with a knife. I'd love it if we had to scrape it clean and set it up first instead of it being perfectly dressed and ready to dry.

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I'd like even more intricate way of dealing with raw furs.

First you must remove with knife or hatchet remaining tissue from fur. Next you have to cure it in a certain way either with fat or with tannins (you could acquire tannins by soaking pieces of tree bark in water). Next you dry it in your rack.

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