Updated Decoy Mechanic


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As of now, the decoy mechanic seems to be barely touched in recent updates. I would like to suggest a few things to make this mechanic feel a little more full:


1.Decoy selection. 

My first suggestion is we to implement an option to check at least 1 item to be ready to drop. Id much rather drop my uncooked meat for fluffy than my tasty box of crackers.

2. Wolves want steak

Certain foods are bound to catch the wolf's attention more than others. For example, meat would be the most effective decoy for a stalking wolf.


2. Baiting. (Using decoys when not being pursued to attract wildlife)

Wind conditions should effect the range of effect the decoy has, fresh meat could attract wolves, or even bears over long distances.


 3. Poisoned bait

The possible ability to poison food with natural flora; such as crushed chokecherry seeds would be an efficient way to at least make a certain wolf less aggressive the next day or so.  

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