A supermarket


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Please add a supermarket it would be extreamly useful for a shelter and get some extra food if possible maybe you would have to break into the market or find a broken window to get in and when they add npc's they could attack you or plead you to not hurt them or rob them and you might also be able to find a back room key or even maybe a managers office and you could use it as a room, also in the mornings if there was a broken window in the front of the store maybe animals would go in looking for food or maybe there could be a basement with a furnace or something I'm not sure about that

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Nope, no supermarket. This is not the suburbs. 

Lived in a tiny community for many years. Never had a supermarket. Still don't. 

Vacationed in an even tinier community several summers as a child forty plus years ago. No supermarkets. Still none today. 

Nice thought, though. But a supermarket in the midst of a low-population area such as that shown in TLD is not economically practical. You're going to see more of a convenience store (like the gas station in CH), or a small rural store like the one at Crossroads in PV.

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1 hour ago, hauteecolerider said:

Nice thought, though. But a supermarket in the midst of a low-population area such as that shown in TLD is not economically practical. You're going to see more of a convenience store (like the gas station in CH), or a small rural store like the one at Crossroads in PV.

You're right here @hauteecolerider! A giant supermarket is kinda out of order! It just wouldn't fit the current explorable world, mostly made of rural/wild areas.


But if more regions are added, and if one less rural in particular is added, I'm not against a small supermarket. It may be fun to explore, and kind of creepy.

It would make sense, since there are cars and such, so there must be at least a big city in Bear Island, which I'd really like to see.


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