Co op mode?


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How is a co op mode in TLD?

So you can play with a friend together? Or a mode to play against to your friend in the same setting? Who dies first? Or who found the Rifle first... and "help" the other dying first? :-)

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7 hours ago, Wastelander said:

I believe that this would be, while awesome, be very hard to program and balance, considering all the time-accelerating activities.

All "time-accelerating" activities take 1/10 of the original time in this mode and are "real" game time. So you sleep one game hours in real time 5 (?) min. So be careful where you sleep. You are 5min realtime helpless.

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It seems awesome to me, playing along with a friend, feeling less alone in this world.

In a way it could make the game far easier, because of less chores to do

In another it could make it harder since both need to survive, less ressources for each, and so on.

It really has a lot of potential!!!


As for time-accelrating activities, they don't have to be time accelerated. I mean, if only one player do something, the time don't accelerate, else it would. It may make them seems very long but, since you're communicating with your friend, and you may discuss during this time, it seems quite ok to me. However, as @Wastelander stated, it can become hard game-wise to implement


Or a co-op system a bit like Day-Z one could be done, but it got some serious flaws :/

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This has been requested dozens of times, but Hinterlands has already said they have no plans of making TLD multiplayer. They don't rule it out entirely, but for now they're focused on the single player experience, story mode, and fulfilling their Roadmap.

I would love to see this game have a co-op option, only because I like playing survival games with my friends (we constantly tried to make Minecraft ridiculously hard for ourselves as teens). But for now I'd prefer Hinterlands just focuses on what they want to for now and maybe see multiplayer in a few years. 

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