Rare item: hot packs


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Hot packs would be a 1-use item that gives modest heat bonus for many hours. Use more hot packs for a greater warmth bonus.

Because they would be rare and would last such a long time, they would be best to use only in certain situations- such as sleeping in a fishing hut or cave during a blizzard. You would want to save them for particular times when you would maximize their multi-hour warmth perk.

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I like this idé. Instead of making a fire you could put hot packs in bedrolls and beds for higher warmth bonus so you would warm up in around 1 or 2 hours. They could also be used to treat injuries like sprains. 

Good idé and I hope it would be added.

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This is a nice idea. But why "1x use". I've got a few of heat packs for my privat winterclothes. All of them i can "boil" in water and make them fit for reuse. I don't know how this works but there is a "Gel-pack" and a metal strip inside. If i bend this stripe the "Gel-pack" turns to a hard solid block and spends about 50°C for a half hour. Later i can "cooking" this block 5min in water and its chances back to a ready to use "Gel-pack".


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+1 for heat packs. 

I'd also like to see a rare drop of an emergency blanket (space blanket) that can be randomly found in cars (preferably in locked trunks or backseats). It can't be repaired, or if it is the effectiveness of it drops, but it has multiple uses. During the Winter you can use it in conjunction with your sleeping bag or bed for a solid heat bonus, one that can arguably allow someone to safely nap in a car for a while without losing condition. In Summer (once Seasons are added) it can be used for shade and can be set up in certain areas (similarly to how we set up our sleeping blanket currently) and will allow us to rest beneath it and keep us cooler. It would be a powerful item, but the fact you can't repair it will help to balance it, forcing you to use it in a "needed" way instead of just because. 

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Sodium acetate heat packs are reusable (I used to have one) and they wear out in 1-2 years in my experience. I think the OP was talking about the one time use commercial heat packs where you crush two chemicals together to get warmth. It would be a neat addition although I'd cap their warmth as +2C and 1h. Think of them as an emergency stim for your hands ^_^

@Wasteland Watcher: These type of heat packs are quite common but not everyone has them or uses them. I tend to not since they wear out too quickly. As a consequence, they'd still be a rare item.


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9 minutes ago, cekivi said:

Sodium acetate heat packs are reusable (I used to have one) and they wear out in 1-2 years in my experience. I think the OP was talking about the one time use commercial heat packs where you crush two chemicals together to get warmth. It would be a neat addition although I'd cap their warmth as +2C and 1h. Think of them as an emergency stim for your hands ^_^

@Wasteland Watcher: These type of heat packs are quite common but not everyone has them or uses them. I tend to not since they wear out too quickly. As a consequence, they'd still be a rare item.


well,if they're in Canada, then I'd be HAPPY to see em in Mystery Lake (or even "Pleasant" Valley, which I hate Hate HATE HATTTTTEEEE!!!!) 

Cheers :) :coffee: (there's whisky in the cup!)

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Just now, cekivi said:

Pleasant Valley is actually one of my favourite maps :big_smile:


It's where I became a victim of my first bear rage. An angry violent bear. The unprovoked bear attack.
But even worse: It's where some weird bug entered my sandbox so that if I access ANY outdoor storage, within 10 min (sometimes it only takes 10 seconds) the 'TLD.exe is Not Responding" message appears. And then it crashes.

And to put Tabasco in that open wound.... if I even try to leave "Pleasant" Valley,  the game crashes immediately.


Yupp...i HATE pleasant valley.

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Yeah. Fortunately I haven't experienced any crashes. Knock on wood. Not bad for a PC that's over a decade old. Too bad my monitor's almost burnt out. I can't afford to replace it so I've been limping it along until it dies for good. Can't really blame the game for that though! :silly:

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This thread had me googling frostbite remedies/treatment. Yikes. 

A variation on the chemical hot packs might be something like an old fashioned hot water bottle. I know (old school) mountaineers sometimes used them, although there is a weight penalty to carrying all that water around under your jacket. I do like the idea of a 1-time, hot pack item as a rare find, something like an MRE. Just speculating. 

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1 minute ago, Patrick Carlson said:

This thread had me googling frostbite remedies/treatment. Yikes. 

A variation on the chemical hot packs might be something like an old fashioned hot water bottle. I know (old school) mountaineers sometimes used them, although there is a weight penalty to carrying all that water around under your jacket. I do like the idea of a 1-time, hot pack item as a rare find, something like an MRE. Just speculating. 

I'd think of them more as emergency stims. While the game does not simulate how cold really effects you I know personally that your dexterity is one of the first things you lose. Not being able to bend your fingers is a huge problem in a survival situation. If you had a hot pack, the ability to warm up your hands enough to light a fire or use tools may be life saving. For inspiration, read Jack London's "To Build a Fire" and then consider the difference a heat pack would have made.

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2 hours ago, cekivi said:

I'd think of them more as emergency stims. While the game does not simulate how cold really effects you I know personally that your dexterity is one of the first things you lose. Not being able to bend your fingers is a huge problem in a survival situation. If you had a hot pack, the ability to warm up your hands enough to light a fire or use tools may be life saving. For inspiration, read Jack London's "To Build a Fire" and then consider the difference a heat pack would have made.

I've got a feeling these hot packs may make it in around the same time the "frostbite" mechanic gets integrated. Just speculating but I've got a feeling... :)


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2 minutes ago, Wasteland Watcher said:

I've got a feeling these hot packs may make it in around the same time the "frostbite" mechanic gets integrated. Just speculating but I've got a feeling... :)


Depends on how they implement frostbite. Frostbite is tissue freezing so it can happen anywhere but is normally the toes, fingers and face. If the system is that intricate it would work really well and almost be a new treatment system. If it's just a generic frostbite affliction than a hot pack makes less sense since rubbing one on your face may do more harm than good.

In my case, I was fishing in -20 C weather with a -15 windchill. The downside is I caught a fish and slimed my hands. They basically started freezing immediately. I didn't frostbite them but dark red, stiff and no feeling means I was well on my way. I had to warm them over my camp stove to thaw enough to reset my line. A hot pack would have gotten slimy and fishy but if I had one I could have kept working on the ice enough to set my lines without needing a break. Again, all without frostbite. Sadly, dexterity isn't (yet) something the game takes into account.

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