v.338 Game crashes on Mac (using steam controller)


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Good morning Hinterland Studio,

(it's around 1700 here in Germany, should be around 0900 ... mountain time... anyway... where' you sitting exactly?? :-P )

I had this issue now for a week or so and it got me extremely annoyed... here goes:

When i start the game from steam it crashes, or steam crashes or the controller can not "control" the character. I'm trying to play with this nice steam controller so I need to start the game from within big-picture-mode.

01) open steam (in window mode)
02) go big-picture-mode
03) start the long dark (abbreviation:tld)
04) controller stops working
05) check steam: steam application crashed
06) start steam application (again)
07) switch to the running instance of tld
08) controller only works as mouse pointer (right touchpad)
09) exit tld
10) moved Player.log to Player_03.log
11) switch to the running instance of steam
12) go big-picture-mode
13) start tld
14) tld hangs with white screen right after going fullscreen (no red fox, no kickstarter- or canadian-media-fund-message, etc.) the crashes after approximately 15 seconds
15) moved Player.log to Player_04.log
16) switch to the running instance of steam
17) exit steam
18) start steam application (no big-picture-mode: hence no decent key mapping for the steam controller =( )
19) start tld (play with keyboard and mouse… which is a lot less comfortable!!)
20) exit (without crash)
21) moved Player.log to Player_05.log

I added five versions of my Player.log file. Player_01.log and Player_02.log are from the 21st of May, when I experienced this problem first. Then I had no clear idea of what to try and what worked and what didn't work. I included those files anyway since they might  include something vital... you never know.

Visibility: This crash (or rather crashes) always happen when I'm trying to play tld with the steam controller (and start tld from big-picture-mode).

Please fix this soon! :)

the long dark version:

my specs:
iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010)
OS X 10.10.5
3.06 GHz i3
really really bad graphics....

... you really need to know?!...
... oh well...
ATI Radeon HD 4650 256 MB

I haven't played a while now, but I swear that it worked (and quite smoothly) 3 or 4 months ago!!




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Update: I figured I could play with my old "home made" key-bindings for the steam controller... Those are not as nice as your "Official Configuration for The Long Dark" but will work kind of like mouse and keyboard. I was able to play several hours with my key bindings.

Caveat: I'm not able to control the menus in a decent way with the controller buttons.... so there's a lot of swiping 'round on the right touch pad.

Today I decided to give the official configuration (see screenshot for clarification) another try... when I started the game (from within big picture mode) it froze right at the start with the white screen (and the red fox _not_ appearing) while the music played in the background...

When I finally switched to the mac os x activity monitor in the background and looked for tld it reported "The Long Dark (not responding)" in red.


I'll include the screenshot from the controller configuration screen and my Player.log


the long dark version:

my specs:
iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010)
OS X 10.10.5
3.06 GHz i3
ATI Radeon HD 4650 256 MB






Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 18.38.55.png

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Update: Yet another crash... This time using my own controller configuration... Seems like the instability is not solely bound tot the "official controller configuration" after all. But in my experience it is greatly influenced by it.

Is it correct, that the game runs in a special *steam controller* mode with your configuration? I mean the overlays that appear in game especially in the menus where you have small icons showing you the button to press on the controller for a certain function (e.g. when I'm in the inventory I get "RB" for right bumper and "LB" for left bumper to switch between the different categories: all, medic, food, cloth, tools and raw material.)


For me not every crash happens when I use the official mapping (like today) but every time I use the official mapping the game crashes very early.

Hope this helps.

I'll include my Player.log

the long dark version:

my specs:
iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010)
OS X 10.10.5
3.06 GHz i3
ATI Radeon HD 4650 256 MB





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Guest Support

We had this reported by another User on the Steam forum, recently. They were able to fix it via a Steam Client update. Are you running the beta or Standard steam client?  I will get your latest details over to our team, thanks for including them. 

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Thanks for the input. I'm running steam client with the following version info and "Beta participation" enabled (select "Steam Beta Update")

Steam client application

Built: Jun 1 2016, at 14:43:20

Steam API: v017

Steam package versions: 1464823435

the long dark version:

my specs:
iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010)
OS X 10.10.5
3.06 GHz i3
ATI Radeon HD 4650 256 MB




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