Maps and compass


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Mainly, a map would be nice. I mean, it's Canada. And there are camp offices and cabins. There's bound to be a map somewhere. It could be a rare drop per area (mystery lake, coastal highway etc.) and the map would only be for that specific area. 

And the compass would also be a rare drop and mainly for new players, or during a snow storm/fog.

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I agree with the map. I haven't been there in a while, but wasn't there even something that looked like a map in the Camp Office at Mystery Lake, first floor? Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, I guess that'd be easy to implement - just add a little interaction such as "look at". It would be difficult to make it a carriable item, as non-laminated paper, which I assume it's made of, should degrade pretty quickly in the conditions we face.

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