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It is the unfortunate and ridiculous deaths that we learn from. Once we feel we have mastered our environment, complacency leads to an untimely demise. Here are a few of my gems:

Stalked by 3 wolves in Coastal Highway - encumbered because I was too greedy in collecting supplies and too stubborn to drop items. Boom. Attacked. I hand to hand all 3 wolves and survive. One dies at my feet the others retreat in blood. 5% Health. I get a campfire started - I look down and see a tin of sardines the wolves wrestled from my pack. I go to pick it up and fall into the fire.....

Have any of you become a wolf taco ? That is how I learned not to sleep outdoors too long without a campfire.

Die of fatigue. Live in the dam .. forget to repair your bedroll and now the struggle to get to shelter in a blizzard - only the storm lantern, and wolves on your feet.

It is always that one choice - I can make it there in an hour... that is just when the blizzard will start.. don't know how many times I got lost in a blizzard. In fact I am surprised I lived more times than not.

Falling off cliffs, food poisoning - my first do in was sardines. I fear that tin. Escaping a bear after being stalked for 20 minutes in a blizzard. Finally making it to a shelter 10% health go in to the cave and see bones ... oh no Goldilocks guess who is coming home !

Running out of matches. I remember waiting days for the storm to stop so I could light a fire with a magnifying glass so I wouldn't dehydrate. Got the fire at 5% health, but you know what it looks like at that stage....boom into the fire at least I didn't dehydrate

For every misadventure... there are also some triumphant survival moments. My search for antibiotics as my life waned from Pleasant valley to finding that new mushroom growth in Mystery lake to stay alive....

I think I have died in about every way possible so far. What are some of your gems?

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The death that takes the prize for me came as the result of a climbing rope in Pleasant Valley. I was at the top with a lighted brand in my hands. I walked up to the rope until I got the tool-tip to "climb down rope" (or whatever it says), and I left-clicked. Unwittingly, I hadn't taken hold of the rope at all, but my left-click had merely caused me to drop the brand I was carrying onto the floor. So when I backed myself carefully over the precipice, I wasn't attached to anything and just fell to my death.

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1 hour ago, Pillock said:

The death that takes the prize for me came as the result of a climbing rope in Pleasant Valley. I was at the top with a lighted brand in my hands. I walked up to the rope until I got the tool-tip to "climb down rope" (or whatever it says), and I left-clicked. Unwittingly, I hadn't taken hold of the rope at all, but my left-click had merely caused me to drop the brand I was carrying onto the floor. So when I backed myself carefully over the precipice, I wasn't attached to anything and just fell to my death.


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6 hours ago, Pillock said:

The death that takes the prize for me came as the result of a climbing rope in Pleasant Valley. I was at the top with a lighted brand in my hands. I walked up to the rope until I got the tool-tip to "climb down rope" (or whatever it says), and I left-clicked. Unwittingly, I hadn't taken hold of the rope at all, but my left-click had merely caused me to drop the brand I was carrying onto the floor. So when I backed myself carefully over the precipice, I wasn't attached to anything and just fell to my death.

That reminds me of one death I had when trying to complete the bear challenge. The bear was chasing me and was closing in fast, so I had to decide between between being horribly mauled and eaten alive by the bear or just running over the cliff and dying a (relatively) clean death by sudden deceleration syndrome.

I chose the latter. :D

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3 hours ago, GorillaDust said:

1000 days in the dam is your first playthrough? Wow, I would have thought you learned the game mechanics and maps long before that. Nice work!

Second - the first one was in Pilgrim. Luck, knowledge from reading this forum and very conservative playstyle - they all helped me survive. I also knew the maps from Pilgrim. Thanks!

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