v. 327 Parasite Risk


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I like the new risk factor of parasite risk although I don't get it how this can occur when eating cooked meat. However, I am missing some alternative to meat. The only alternative is the food that can be found in houses (crisps, peanut butter and so on). I am missing the natural fleshless options (like cattail) as for example gathered raspberry, blueberry or fruit or vegetable that can be found underneath the snow (near fruit trees for fruit).

Is there any (more) option for consuming meat when almost every house has been looted?

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1 hour ago, Scyzara said:

Only wolf and bear meat increases your risk for a parasite infection. You can eat as much deer meat, rabbit meat and fish as you like and you'll never get parasites from that. :winky:

Only bear and wolf meat. Thanks! I thought all kind of meat. Perfect!

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I am missing the natural fleshless options (like cattail) as for example gathered raspberry, blueberry or fruit or vegetable that can be found underneath the snow (near fruit trees for fruit).

Although I would like more diverse food resources, especially in more remote areas (adding to the survival element of the game), as of now  (v.327) the trichinosis risk resets daily.

So as long you keep your intake of wolf/bear meat to a minimum of one, two, or even three chunks a a day you'll be fine. And then there's dear meat and rabbit. It might be more difficult in places like Quonset to arrange a good balance with all the wolves prowling about.

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1 hour ago, elloco999 said:

It may be my imagination but I think there are more rabbit locations now. Maybe to increase access to risk free meat?

I think so, too.  I know for sure a rabbit run now has at least a chance to appear


directly behind Trappers' Cabin,

which seems fitting.

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