Buttercup's whining


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Previously I always refered to my gameself as Toughgrrrl or The Doc, but since the last update its Buttercup.  The incesant whining is really getting on my nerves.  Some of the commentary is great and amusing like when both my game self and I made the same exasperated sound when a fire wouldn't light.  But I just listened to 10 minutes of "woe I need to find food" while I was trying to stalk a deer.  Fortunately, the deer appear to be deaf.  And my response during to some of the I'm tired whining was "ha, and you call yourself a doctor!"  It would be great if this could be rebalanced a bit.

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I do like the increased level of verbal/audio feedback we get for notifying us of ailments and low status levels. But yeah, they do get repetitive. More variety I guess is the solution?

I also agree that it's funny when you find yourself saying stuff like "Come on, come on!" in unison with the character when trying to light a fire in an urgent situation!

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I agree... at first I really enjoyed it but its getting a bit too repetitive. A few more tweaks and it'll get to the sweet spot. I also agree on more variety. The fourth time in a week-game time you hear: I've never been so cold in my life! It starts giving room for talk-to-self internal jokes. 

- Cold me: I've never been so cold in my life!

- Calmed me: That ain't true and you know it. Yesterday it was way worst!

But not too worried about it. TLD sound top notch, I'm sure HT Audio gurus will get this right :) 

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- "I'm going to need some first aid... soon!"

- You said that an hour ago and you're still fine. Stop being such a pansy.


Though, I was a bit taken aback when he almost started crying, and wailed, "I just want to diiiieee!" I might not have noticed the food poisoning off the mouldy old energy bar if it hadn't been for that.

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I too have noticed the increased chatter from my character. However I still have no idea what the new stuff is, as there are no captions/subtitles along with the added sound.

So, being deaf, I just know my character said something, but not what.

So thanks to the above posts, now I can intelligently respond. 

"I've never been so cold in my life!"

Me: This is nothing. Once I had to stand half an hour in minus 40 (Fahrenheit, not Celsius, so waaaay colder) degree windchill waiting for a school bus that never came, only to have the bus driver from another school (even though he was in his car, I knew him because we were neighbors) pull over on his way home to tell me that the high school was closed because the high school bus I was waiting for got stuck in a snowdrift. Then there was the time . . .

"All right, all right, I'll stop whining now!"


Or what about this:

Me: Patience, grasshopper. If at first you don't succeed . . .

"I know, shut the f**k up and try again!"



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4 hours ago, Pillock said:

I do like the increased level of verbal/audio feedback we get for notifying us of ailments and low status levels. But yeah, they do get repetitive. More variety I guess is the solution?

I also agree that it's funny when you find yourself saying stuff like "Come on, come on!" in unison with the character when trying to light a fire in an urgent situation!

If you go to options, display and turn on subtitles you should get quick text flashes of what Buttercup is saying.  


Though no wolf growling - hm....would it be worthwhile to ask them for closed captioning for things like wolf growls - maybe not for some of the other sounds, but that one is a good indication something is about to attack you.  maybe for the pre-bear attack noises.  

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Oh, but it's just the new stuff that doesn't have the captions. All the pre-update comments still have their subtitles.

FYI: I do not play games without subtitles. Tried the first Assassin's Creed game and ditched it after the first three maps as I couldn't stand not knowing the dialogue. 


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On 4/24/2016 at 6:55 PM, hauteecolerider said:

Oh, but it's just the new stuff that doesn't have the captions. All the pre-update comments still have their subtitles.

FYI: I do not play games without subtitles. Tried the first Assassin's Creed game and ditched it after the first three maps as I couldn't stand not knowing the dialogue. 


no subtitles?! that's a bummer.  Have you added it to the guys could you fix this pretty please yet?  

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Oh, please stop, you gu

On ‎4‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 11:48 AM, hauteecolerider said:


"So, being deaf, I just know my character said something, but not what."


...you're not missing out on much...  If I have to hear the girl say "wow, this pack is getting too heavy!" every time I go over 30kilos of carry weight, which is so damned often, that on a few occasions I was so annoyed that I turned the sound off!  I do have to say, some very interesting gameplay without the sound track to give those audible clues, so usually the sound didn't stay off for too long.   In my opinion the soundtrack is what really helps give this game that immersive feeling of being outdoors with the wind buffeting everything around you.  If you don't mind my asking, from a gamer's perspective, what do you have to do to adjust your gameplay style in the absence of those audio clues?


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1 hour ago, Relo said:

...you're not missing out on much...  If I have to hear the girl say "wow, this pack is getting too heavy!" every time I go over 30kilos of carry weight, which is so damned often, that on a few occasions I was so annoyed that I turned the sound off!  I do have to say, some very interesting gameplay without the sound track to give those audible clues, so usually the sound didn't stay off for too long.   In my opinion the soundtrack is what really helps give this game that immersive feeling of being outdoors with the wind buffeting everything around you.  If you don't mind my asking, from a gamer's perspective, what do you have to do to adjust your gameplay style in the absence of those audio clues?

Oh, I hear the audio clues. I've learned to tell the difference between crows and howling wolves, and can judge the distance that sound has traveled. 

I hear deer coming at me. I hear the wind blowing. I can even tell the difference between the screeching howl of a blizzard and the scream of the strong wind. 

I even appreciate (and adore) the new music that was added to the already excellent soundtrack by the update. 

The problem is that I can't hear the sibilant sounds of speech. I can't distinguish between similar sounds all that well. So if you listen to speech, take out pretty much all of the consonants, and keep only the vowel sounds, you have more or less what I hear. And that's why I need subtitles to know what the characters say.

Thanks for the input, and to the others who have posted saying what the characters say. Now I know that when my character fails to start the fire, it's a sound of exasperation. Likewise when trying to get it started, "Come on, come on!" So when I hear that, based on the context, I know what she said. 

This is probably the first game I've played where I didn't turn the music off, because it is the perfect balance between music and environment. In most other games, like Oblivion and Skyrim, I've turned the music off because I couldn't hear the environment beneath those notes. But here, it's just - perfect. It even dictates my emotions - there's a particular piece that makes me feel, well, sad, nostalgic, and despairing all at once. Like coming to terms with "this is the end."


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2 hours ago, hauteecolerider said:


This is probably the first game I've played where I didn't turn the music off, because it is the perfect balance between music and environment. In most other games, like Oblivion and Skyrim, I've turned the music off because I couldn't hear the environment beneath those notes. But here, it's just - perfect. It even dictates my emotions - there's a particular piece that makes me feel, well, sad, nostalgic, and despairing all at once. Like coming to terms with "this is the end."


Thanks for your feedback in this thread on the audio captions. We're looking into the subtitling on the new audio. And it's great to know you can hear the environment! :)

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18 hours ago, Patrick Carlson said:

Thanks for your feedback in this thread on the audio captions. We're looking into the subtitling on the new audio. And it's great to know you can hear the environment! :)

Cool!  My cousin would like me to pitch the idea of closed captioning (the good kind, not the weird kind).  Though it is kind of funny watching her swear when a wolf sneaks up on her. :D 

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