Please fix lighting indoors


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Greetings, pals. Lighting indoors frustrates me a lot. I'll show you what i mean.

On first picture i stand outside light beam. On the second i made two steps left and stand inside the light beam.

What it should be in this game (as i think) its like on 2 screenshot. So at daytime we can see indoors (if there is windows in house). So i think lighting indoors is somewhat broken.


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It has definitely become a lot darker in buildings and caves. Is this intentional? I also have a feeling that it's not gradually getting lighter in the mornings anymore (inside buildings). Instead - BAM - light is coming on.

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Firstly, hello from a new player ... enjoying the game a lot.

Agree with this thread ... have noticed the way that you take one step and the light changes totally in a building.

Generally it is way to dark though ... having to light a lamp to ensure you find all the small items on shelves etc in a building in daylight shouldn't be necessary.

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Yeah, shafts of light don't illuminate the parts of a room they fall on, as happens in reality: they illuminate the entire room, if the player is also standing in the light; if the player is standing in the shadow, then the entire room is darker, even the parts that should be illuminated by the shaft of light.

I've seen this mentioned a couple of times on the forum. Hopefully they're working on it!

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