Change to sleep/pass time


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I think it's a good change to remove the ability to effectively hibernate. What I don't like is only being able to sleep until fully rested. Perhaps a change to this could be to be able to sleep more when it is dark even if you are fully rested.

After a strenuous day in the elements where I'm exhausted it seems like you should be able to sleep for all 10 hours of darkness. It seems a little silly that most nights I will need to sleep for a few hours, pass time for a couple of hours and then sleep again until morning so that I am still fully rested when the day starts. 

Maybe a deck of cards could be added as a found item which could be used when passing time to provide some minor benefit (perhaps delaying the onset of cabin fever or something).


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Considering that cabin fever chance does not increase in open areas, like caves and they have rather significant heat bonus with no apparent reason, then all "pro-hibernators" will simply move there. So essentially whole resting vs sleeping didnt really solve anything, but made whole resting feature unnecessarily complex and annoying - you cant just sleep thru the night, and then a bit more, no, now you have micromanage whole resting thing, to the hour, so that you wont wake up in the middle of the night with nothing to do and then spend couple of hours just sitting on a chair till morning hits.

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Yes, I think caves should be considered as Indoor at least in stalker.
They should also probably accelerate the cabin fever process since they are really not intended to be a safe place to sleep.

I made a 100% run only in Timberwolf mountain, I was a bit disappointed to see caves working as indoor replacement with safe temperature etc... so I decided to stay at the hut, for the challenge,  that was hard but really fun actually. It got better after i was able to craft a full gear.

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