Backpack Menu

Salty Crackers

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You get the calorie bar in the top-right when you're eating, but you don't get the hydration bar. So you have to press Tab to check (especially if you're eating thirst-inducing food), then re-enter the inventory all over again to drink.

It'd be nice if the hydration bar could be visible as well as the calorie bar when eating, at least.

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1 hour ago, Salty Crackers said:

I mean it should be there before you eat, so you know what to eat. Before the update, I could just check the First Aid menu for my stats.

Agreed. Ideally, I want the food-section of the inventory on the radial bar, and I want to know both my calorie and hydration levels at all times when I'm in the food inventory.

Edit: While I think of it, it'd be useful when you press SPACE to get an indicator of your backpack weight somewhere on that screen, so you can quickly check it at any time.

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