Introduction and a question.


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Hello all, I'm Chris. I'm 41, live in Florida, and am a veteran, widower, and single father (yeah, I know, it's a mouthful). I recently bought TLD on Steam after having played on a friend's pc (that was version 256, I believe) a while back. Anyway, hats off to you, Hinterland, you've made a wonderful, complex, beautiful, and addictive game.

Anyway, I'm a bit confused as to where I should post a few issues I've noticed. As I mentioned before, I bought the game on Steam Early Access. Should I post in the PC/Mac forum, or the Linux/Steam forum? I'd rather not be the guy who posts in the wrong forum. Thanks for reading, everyone.

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Hello wilkinscw and welcome! Great that you've found your way here. How are the bears down there in Florida? :big_smile:

For technical issues (bugs/glitches), just post in the forum that matches the machine you are playing on--if Windows/Mac then in PC/Mac. If you're on Linux specifically, go ahead and post in the Linux Steam forum. 

For other questions or suggestions about the game or gameplay, there are the other subforums to choose from. I hope that makes sense.

Looking forward to seeing you around and hearing more about your impressions of the game.  


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Thanks, Patrick, I appreciate the welcome.

The bears down here are usually pretty good about staying hidden in the woods, though I did see a little black bear get hit by a car a couple months ago. He tried to run across the road and got clipped pretty good. Managed to drag himself under a wire fence and into the woods before the Fish and Game officer arrived. Dunno what happened to him afterward.

Anyway, thanks again, and take care.

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