Get rid of "sleep x hours" option


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Since we now wake up automatically after being fully rested, I think removing the hour-wise option is the next logical step. 

My reasoning behind that: We don't have an alarm clock or another reliable way to wake up after time X. Only the circadian cycle and external factors (light, temperature, noise) and we can't directly control any of them. 

I would simply provide the following options:

* Nap: Sleep anywhere between 0.5 and 1.5 hours

* Sleep: Sleep until rested or disturbed

* Pass time (for selected amount of time).


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This is a really cool idea. I also think external factors like a blizzard or perhaps an animal cry (If you have to sleep outdoors) should be a factor as well for waking you up. It just sorta breaks the immersion to sleep for 9 hours straight while dehydrated or if the environment isn't too favorable.

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As a expert survivalist I agree, however with time you can wake up on your own. It took me a year to do so, but I can now wake up on command. A sleeping skill needs to be added. Lets say you want to sleep for 4 hours. At 50 points you wake up between 3 and 5 hours. At 75 points 4 and 5 hours. Only at 100 points should you wake up on time. As for the alarm clock idea. A watch could be added to the game for that.

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