Challenge mode leaderboards


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I just wanted to say that I really like the new challenge mode and absolutely wish we had some kind of leaderboards for the different challenges to compare our own times with that of others.

For the sake of clarity, the leaderboards could only display each player's personal best time in the respective challenge of course. No need to keep track of every single run ever done imo.

Well, maybe comparing everyone's very first attempt might also be fun, but that would just be the cherry on top of the cake for me. :normal:


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Leaderboards in what way? Shortest distance traveled? Shortest time? The difficulty is once an optimized route/strategy is found - barring random events - the best times/shortest distance/etc. will likely converge on a single point.

Good in theory but I don't think it will be viable long term. Perhaps once all the challenges are in the game then it'd be more viable since there'd be more variables. For instance, escape bear, kill bear, find flares (note: this means no flare pistol for hunted challenge) and then signal for help would make for lots of leaderboard opportunities and since it would be a more complex total challenge there will likely be no one optimal routes or strategy. Especially if bad weather is factored in :)

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Good idea. I like the idea of more complex challenges in general. Maybe a system that allows us to set up challenge parameters so we can have friendly challenges to achieve the "best" statistic under certain constants. 

We as a community could always create our own challenges and compare stats since Hinterland was great about building their stat tracking system but having a tool to manage our own challenges would be really spectacular. Maybe something to look forward to and hope for in mod support?

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