Getting thirsty real fast in v.321?


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Is it me or is the bar indicating the level of hydration going down way more rapidly in v321?

It could merely be an illusion, caused by the bar being more compressed (though I wonder whether that wouldn't work the other way around...)

Anyway, it seems to drop fast real quick. Couple of hours waiting or sleeping and watch that sucker sink real quick!

Did the devs change the calibration on dehydration?

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I believe we finally got a little thirst-difference regarding the different difficulty modes!

Prior to the update, going from fully-slaked to dehydrated (while sleeping) always took 12h, no matter whether in Pilgrim or Stalker. I think the times got tweaked a little now.

In Stalker, you need to drink every 8h to prevent condition loss (while passing time), in Pilgrim you needn't drink for 14h (while passing time). 

Nice change! :normal:

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Yes, I noticed the difference when I reverted back from the Hunted: Bear challenge back to my usual Voyageur game.

Voyageur mode seems perfectly normal to me; the Challenge mode makes the need for food and water intake seem rather large and unrealistic.

But as I wrote elsewhere, I don't like the way the challenge has mr Grumpy bear popping up behind me as if by magic, even after I had managed to shake it off, so I won't be playing that mode anyway until the devs find a way to make the challenge feel more immersive and less gimmicky.

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