Super 8mm camera


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As we are getting closer to follow the story of the long dark, I thought of something that could be interesting in terms of gameplay and narrative.

What if you could find a Super 8mm camera, and films for it oc, so you can capture the crazy things that you will experience?

I was thinking for instance that around the end of the game, you might find a building that still has electricity, and a film projector. And when reviewing your shots, you would realize that you have been followed all along.

There is an infinity of other ideas that could come up with a similar mechanic, but I like this one..

What do you think?






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Do these things even still work?

Additionally, film (8mm and otherwise) tend to decay very rapidly under uncontrolled (read natural) environmental conditions. Look at how many of the early films have been lost due to failure to store them in climate-controlled vaults.

We used to have an 8mm film camera and projector that spent most of its life sitting in our basement. Now that basement was pretty decent, dry, not damp at all, and because we lived in it, it was kept fairly clean. But one day going through the closet, I discovered the camera and projector still in the box, with film. I pulled it out and tried to get it going. No dice. Somehow being stored, collecting dust inside the box, it broke . . . 

As I recall, these things are notoriously delicate! Not to mention how brittle the film is!

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You are absolutely right about fragility of films, but I don't think this is so relevant.

Of course this would be surprising, unlikely and everything else you want to find a house that still has electricity and a functioning projector. But unlikely doesn't mean you shouldn't use it for narrative purpose:

Think about the stray dog shot in "Collateral" for instance.

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