Racks for Bear and Moose Hides


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I come across below photo recently and thought wow that is one huge hide (it's a buffalo hide btw).

Anyway it got me thinking it would be a great to have some sort of outdoor racks / crafting for large hides in TLD, maybe good idea for upcoming Moose hides or even the bear hides, as they are both larger hides. also being outdoor racks it would free up some space indoors.

Edit - another idea is you first have to craft the rack, or you maybe we just get 1 or 2 racks auto built in game leaning against a main camp building. That way you can only work on say 1 or 2 bear or moose hide at a time. I wouldn't really want to see dozens of racks, because how many bears or moose would you shoot in a season.


source - http://www.braintan.com/bison/Klek/klek3.html


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I think this is absolutely a good idea.  Always thought it was rather strange to just dump hides and guts all over the floor in TLD.  Plus it would add an extra layer of depth to crafting.

EDIT: But why stop at bear and moose hides? Deer and wolf too!

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Imo racks would make a lot more sense than current system. For any hides.

But i do believe  that current system is just a basic template, eg you can cure hides, without any in depth  mechanics added to it, and it would be expanded on a later date.

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