Near future!!


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Holy cow ! They really loaded up the next year with goodies. WOW!

Moose is a huge animal plus and it will be interesting to see Cougars too. Moose can be angry and aggressive animals. Awesome add!

I think improved cooking where you can multitask while food cooks, maybe cook 4 of 6 pieces at once, great idea. Having to flip the meat all great ideas. I would hope the take it one step farther and make you father snow or ice in order to melt rather than keeping that abstract. The game places so much better with realistic item based gameplay. If they really want a gold star the giving water a temperature condition where it freezes or thaws based on temperature would be outstanding but I'd rather they focus on adding the new features and leave that for the modders.

Excited about the Axe, always thought the larger pieces would be more easily broken up with an axe. Hatchets are great for smaller pieces but to really chop wood you need an axe or maul. Also excited about the aurora which is sort of a unique hallmark for TLD and really really adds flavor and character to the game.

I'll be completely honest though my favorite addition on this list is PRIMITIVE FIREMAKING! Hinterland is really hitting it out of the park with this. Firebowdrill making and skill development and fire building this way is what would be the difference between living or dieing post-matches or not IRL. Combined with some adjustments on how easy fires are to start in the current build would be great. Most fires start with 1-2 matches in the current build even if you aren't being smart about it. Using the torch "workaround-exploit" you only have to use 1 if that to ensure you get a fire going. Combined with improved firemaking mechanic! I mean HELL YES! These guys are getting it! The game's audience is much more skewed towards authentic and realistic gameplay within reason and less arcadey. All of these changes will greatly improve the experience.   

New clothing and new clothing assets are pretty awesome ideas too.

Also really see the simple shelters that you can construct as positive additons too. I am not even sure I understand some of the other changes but that is ok that just means more surprises!

Here is hoping the next Sandbox addition comes soon because I can't wait!

Thank you Hinterland!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/4/2016 at 11:11 PM, Malcot said:

Awesome! Even if they can only deliver half of that I'd be happy. Other developers could learn a lot from Hinterland about how to communicate with your customer base, great work. 

This. It's like a year that i advice people about the game. Not just for game's sake. But because personally i feel the love that the devs put into every single update (and they're usually made of community base suggestions along the other stuff).

They really deserve credit. Some Triple A's companies should take notes. 

Also,i'm really looking forward to simple shelter building. I would love to create some safe zones. Pleasant Valley would totally benefit from it

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