Long-distance travel


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As the titel says, i want to discuss the point of the roadmap "Long-distance travel".

I have a bad fealing about this. The thing is, that has a high chance to ruin the survival aspect of the game and make it a casual game. When you take a look at the map of "bear island" you can see that travelling by walking is actually no problem.

Ofc i dont know how the story-mode will be. So lets say the game forces you to explore everything by feet and you have to play 70% of the game like this, only the last chapter (where the game is area-wise done and the story requires certain things to travel alot) would have the option, than i could imagine that it wont hurt.

If you know the games, i always try to compare it with gothic series and the elder-scrolls. I really had to laugh when people said the gothic is not good because there are no horses and no instant fast-travel and no detailled maps with questmarkers and so on ....

I love the fact that there is no map in TLD and that you have to navigate by landmarks. Keep it up like that and please dont add things like fast-travel (or at least in a way so it doesnt ruin the game)

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what i mean is, lets say you are currently in mystery lake and you are staying there for a while but you have to go to desolation point only to do something that takes one minute. And that situation happens when you have explored all maps already, have survived hundrets of days, you know every way, animal spawns, dangers and shelters, and now you have to make the trip to progress in the story only for a small thing that takes one minute. In these situations i can imagine a long-travel-option could be useful.

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I don't think the Long-Distance travel in the roadmap stands for fast-travel or instant-travel. 

At least the way I understood it was the other way around... that the game would allow, once more regions are added, what could be considered "long distance travelling", aka, expending days travelling. I think this is where the canoe and the horse may have their place. 

But just especulation... if long distance travel stands for instant-travel it would dissapear from my most expected features list :)

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