Fire blowing Mechanic


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So I was thinkin about this it was (for some reason) the main thing that held my attention. First off lemme just say I'm all for it, but I'm not a big fan of QTE's personally and it would kinda a slight turn off for me (I'd live lol). I was hoping it would be more of a thing you learn in a book and have to master on your own. Maybe the amount you pull the trigger (on a remote) determines the strength of the breath. Like hold it half way down for X amount of time for the most effective "blowing" I'm not sure I'm not much of an outdoorsman so I dunno if it's really a big deal but it's the little things ya know. Lemme know what you guys think.

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I agree, it defeats the object of having a skill attribute for fire starting if they introduce a fail state with a QTE,

Perception based over prompted actions only could be interesting but I imagine it'd take a lot of work as not sure it'd make sense just to introduce one bit as gameplay.

Turning whatever ignition tool used into a game mechanic to spark or light tinder, applying a coal and blowing a birds nest and the firebed itself seems an awful lot.

Personally I'm happy with just a relevant sound effect being applied and an RNG.

49 minutes ago, Vhalkyrie said:

a button mash like the wolf struggles

That is by far my least favourite aspect of the game, I've always hated button bashes or joystick wiggles they just lack finesse, in a wolf attack because my left mouse button is used by the middle finger of my left hand I end up using both hands my left to hold the mouse and right to smash the mouse button :( 

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4 minutes ago, illanthropist said:

That is by far my least favourite aspect of the game, I've always hated button bashes or joystick wiggles they just lack finesse, in a wolf attack because my left mouse button is used by the middle finger of my left hand I end up using both hands my left to hold the mouse and right to smash the mouse button :( 

Per suggestion of another person, I remapped my 'attack' to the space bar on my keyboard.  It helps quite a bit, but it takes a bit of getting used to as it's also the action button for some other things.  For example, I have got food poisoning from accidentally picking up raw meat and eating it!

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23 minutes ago, Vhalkyrie said:

I have got food poisoning from accidentally picking up raw meat and eating it!

Lol yeah it's the interact button, my keybinds are a bit weird, for example my right mouse button is move forward so I can travel and eat nachos.  WASD and space don't work being a left handed mouse user.


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I might be the only person on earth who did this but the controls for the yoga in GTA V were pretty nice as far as QTE'S go maybe it was just me. But yea im not a fan of mashing or's hoping they pull some more magic out of their hats lol.

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I'm a little bit different here. I'm technically a lefty, but I'm so used to a right handed mouse. As keyboarding is my preferred method of input, I like that my dominant hand is on the WASD hand. And because I play this game on a laptop, the trackpad is right there under both thumbs. Additionally, my Mac's trackpad is set to recognize a tap as a click, so it takes almost no pressure on the track pad to select things in the menu.

I remapped the keys to be closer to the default setup in Skyrim. In other words, my activation key is the E key. I'm not sure what else I mapped to, but that's kind of the biggest difference. So key mashing (in my case) is not a problem. I'm just concerned (a little bit) that I might break off the E key, and since the letter "e" is the most common letter in the English language . . .

So if you start seeing 3's instead of e's, you know that I brok3 som3thing!

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1 hour ago, hauteecolerider said:

I remapped the keys to be closer to the default setup in Skyrim

That has to be the worst game ever I've come across for binding, literally took me hours as the numpad keys were hard coded and unavailable, eventually found a mod to lift the restriction.  Still haven't finished went back to a controller in the end, swear there's more games with options for colour blind people than there are left handed setups.

1 hour ago, hauteecolerider said:

I'm a little bit different here. I'm technically a lefty, but I'm so used to a right handed mouse.

Tried just can't get to grips, don't have the fine motor skills in my right, used to gt slapped in primary school by the dinner ladies for being back to front with cutlery!

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14 hours ago, Hjalti said:

So I was thinkin about this it was (for some reason) the main thing that held my attention. First off lemme just say I'm all for it, but I'm not a big fan of QTE's personally and it would kinda a slight turn off for me (I'd live lol). I was hoping it would be more of a thing you learn in a book and have to master on your own. Maybe the amount you pull the trigger (on a remote) determines the strength of the breath. Like hold it half way down for X amount of time for the most effective "blowing" I'm not sure I'm not much of an outdoorsman so I dunno if it's really a big deal but it's the little things ya know. Lemme know what you guys think.

I don't believe that this is the way that will work, I see it more like this:

Press button to rub a stick in to some kind of plank, and when it starts to smoke then hit another button to blow and if you time it right you got fire else you fail and try again. maybe after 3-4 fails you need to make another plank since it will be scorched. Also your hands might get blisters after prolonged use. It could be fun. :)

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Yea I forgot they were gunna add a bow drill  that makes more sense lol. Like most people said i just hope its not a button mash or a race to hit random buttons as fast as possible.

3 hours ago, vancopower said:

I don't believe that this is the way that will work, I see it more like this:

Press button to rub a stick in to some kind of plank, and when it starts to smoke then hit another button to blow and if you time it right you got fire else you fail and try again. maybe after 3-4 fails you need to make another plank since it will be scorched. Also your hands might get blisters after prolonged use. It could be fun. :)


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3 hours ago, Hjalti said:

Yea I forgot they were gunna add a bow drill  that makes more sense lol. Like most people said i just hope its not a button mash or a race to hit random buttons as fast as possible.


haha they will not turn the game in to guitar hero don't worry :)


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