Roadmap Feedback

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I've recently come back after a long time not playing TLD and I just noticed that the devs made a roadmap to track what they will try to put in the next updates. I may be a bit late to the party, but I have some feedback. 

First off, I'm not sure you should add NPCs to Sandbox  A large part of the experience for me is the fact that you are alone, and I feel adding NPCs would ruin that aspect of the game for me. If you really want to implement this, at least make it a choice for the player to decide. Second, I noticed you were going to add the bow drill and other primitive techniques to the game. I think you can kill two birds with one stone and make it and other primitive techniques only unlocked by reading a specific book. You could do this by having all the skill levels for these start at 0 and reading the book would add 5 skill points, effectively unlocking the technique. These books shouldn't be too common, as this would need to be a later-game mechanic, forcing the player to start out with matches. Skill books could also apply to most of the other skills.

I'm sorry if this is a little bit late, but I just got back to playing the game. It's good to be back.

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