Should skill points be a hidden metric?


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Hi all as the title suggests was wondering if actual values would be better served hidden from us as players,  what I mean is in terms of gaining knowledge we see a prompt saying your ? skill has increased by x

Sure in games where you have a whole host of attributes and character levels to advance it makes sense to get a notification but given I can't even refer to an attribute sheet to see skill values I think they actually break my immersion slightly and as a result ended up looking at easy ways to skill cap instead of just playing the game.

What I thought might be nice in it's place is certain levels of ability trigger 1st person voice actor footage with comments like "finally getting the hang of this" etc.

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Plus, skill level appears to make very little difference to the chances of success of an action.

I've had a fire fail to light 3 times in a row on about 96% success chance - I blame cardboard matches.

I also don't see a noticeable difference in how often clothing repairs fail, regardless of skill level.

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I've noticed the chances of success seems to be independent of skill level; however, at least in terms of clothing repair and tool maintenance, the amount of improvement you can do each time increases with increasing skill level. I normally don't pay much attention to these statistics (maybe I should, but I don't), but I noticed that the percent of improvement in clothing repair went from 3% to 5% for a coat or sweater after I leveled my skills multiple times. 

One thing I learned from my statistics class: the probability of something failing only applies to the one time you try. So if you try to light a fire and have a probability of 65% for success, that means you have a 65% chance of starting this fire. Say you succeed. Now the next fire you build, will still have a 65% probability of success, as applies to that fire. 

Kinda like the 40% chance of rain in the weather forecast . . .

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