Mice or Rats plus Cats and Owls


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Hello All,

Just a simple suggestion that field mice should be added to the game. I for one tend to throw everything down on the floor when I enter a building (I tend to quickly fill up the storage areas). Now things like firewood, scrap metal and bottled water won't have a problem but it would be interesting if mice could eat your improperly stored food or tear apart your sweaters that were left on the ground. As such, you'd be encouraged to keep things neat and tidy (no more drying hides on the floor) and, if need be, even set traps. Perhaps rats would be better since you could eat the rats and there definitely would be rats in the fields of Pleasant Valley. Still, not everyone would like to have to trap rodents and may dislike returning home to see their provisions ransacked and supplies ruined.

@hauteecolerider also had the additional suggestion of adding foxes, cats and owls that could prey on the mice and rats. Things to give some more life to our frozen ecosystem :)


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Well, if you're going to bring field mice and rats to this game, then I want foxes and housecats/lynxes! 

Foxes love field mice (as do hawks and owls), and smaller cats are the rat's nemesis. In fact, that how it's thought the cat became domesticated at first - because of granaries attracting rats. 

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