Excited about Experimental Branch, and a big thankyou


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Kind of surprised that I hadn't seen anything on here in terms of official Hinterland post cross-linking to the update on the website. ( http://hinterlandgames.com/community-update-story-mode/ )

There is something I've thought about throughout the development of the game, but I want to express it now. A big thanks to the people who backed this game originally on Kickstarter. I don't do Kickstarter. Not because I'm risk averse or I have any problems with the concept. But I don't go looking for new things very often. I got into TLD during a Christmas sale on Steam in 2014, because those quarterly sales are kind of unavoidable, and even then I sit down and seriously ask myself "Am I going to play this game in the next 3 months?" because, chances are, it'll be on sale again.

But I really enjoyed watching the sandbox develop, contributing with feedback, and I often felt like "Man, I wish I had have known about this earlier.". Maybe that's a common reaction, but Raph's update - imparting the memory of those early days, and the knowledge that some people out there threw down as much as $1500 on the concept. I don't know if I could do that (my wife would kill me, for a start!). But the momentum the game has now, it relies upon that. So thanks to all the people who threw their weight behind the project. 

I've been fairly quiet on here for about 2 weeks now, and to be honest it was because with no updates coming, I'd moved over to playing other things until release came. I was actually getting nervous that Story mode would drop while I was 2 generations into a Crusdaer Kings 2 game and I'd be going from drought to flood... So I'm not too worried about the delay, personally. I get it, and I'm patient.

I am, however, really excited to see the roadmap, and the opportunity to participate in the experimental branch. Frequent content drops and tweaks have kept this game alive for me for almost a year and a half now, and I'm happy to keep on chugging. Looking forward to seeing the plans come to fruition!

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