My first 12 deaths way back when


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So I recently picked the game up again this month after a longish break, all the new stuff is great! When digging around my computer, I found some old game logs I had saved from my earliest attempts at the game. The deaths are fast and frequent.

1st death: Froze to death with a sprained ankle while trying to cross the train bridge on Day 2.

2nd death: 07:34 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack ...Also day 2.

3rd death: 14:15 Discovered Carter Hydro Dam.
14:41 Not Freezing
14:44 Wolf attack!
14:44 Experiencing significant blood loss.
14:44 At risk for infected wound.
14:45 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
...yeah, this is my first encounter with Fluffy, a Day 1 death to boot.

4th death:
Made it to day 3
12:47 Went to sleep.
14:48 Woke up after sleeping 2 hours
15:41 Discovered Mystery Lake (Western Access).
16:22 Freezing
16:51 Sprained ankle.
17:27 Discovered Lone Lake Cabin.
17:35 Not Freezing
17:43 Ate Pork and Beans.
17:47 Drank Grape Soda.
17:49 Ate Granola Bar.
17:51 Drank Summit Soda.
17:56 Went to sleep.
21:19 You faded into The Long Dark...
I don't remember what actually happened here, my guess is that I went to sleep with low condition and low calories, and my condition fell to zero in the night as a result.

5th death:Day 1:
09:15 Freezing
19:29 Starving
19:54 Dehydrated
20:43 You faded into The Long Dark...
A test run to see how long it takes to die if I do nothing and just stand outside in starter clothes (this was back in 2014, I don't know if these numbers hold today).

6th death: 13:24 Ate Pork and Beans.
13:25 Ate Pork and Beans.
13:26 Ate Pork and Beans.
13:37 Wolf attack!
13:37 Experiencing significant blood loss.
13:37 At risk for infected wound.
13:37 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
...sometimes I wonder if all those pork n' beans I ate played a role in attracting that wolf (*rimshot*)

7th death: 15:14 Discovered Carter Hydro Dam.
15:37 Wolf attack!
15:38 Experiencing significant blood loss.
15:38 At risk for infected wound.
15:40 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
15:40 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
... Fluffy is such a badass she managed to kill me twice in a single attack!

8th Death: Made it to day 6
11:47 Starving
11:55 Ate Venison (Cooked).
11:55 Not Starving
12:16 Drank 0.43 L potable water.
15:25 Discovered Train Bridge.
15:29 Starving
15:35 Discovered Carter Hydro Dam.
15:55 Sprained ankle.
16:13 Wolf attack!
16:13 Experiencing significant blood loss.
16:13 At risk for infected wound.
16:15 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
16:15 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
... Not sure if I missed a shot with the rifle in a Fluffy encounter or if I was stubbornly trying to defeat Fluffy hand to hand in this one.

9th death: 13:51 Discovered Train Loading Area.
14:35 Discovered Logging Camp.
14:57 Wolf attack!
14:58 Experiencing significant blood loss.
14:58 At risk for infected wound.
14:59 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack ...
just a regular wolf death. I was pretty clueless about how to deal with wolves back then. Also, not so good at that rapid LMB/RMB struggle mechanic.

10th death: Day 1:
10:03 Discovered Alan's Cave.
10:50 Freezing
11:03 Discovered River (Northern Access).
11:27 Discovered Train Bridge.
11:38 Discovered Carter Hydro Dam.
11:46 Not Freezing
11:50 Wolf attack!
11:50 Experiencing significant blood loss.
11:50 At risk for infected wound.
11:52 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
11:52 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
... Ok, this one was clearly some kind of stubborn, idiotic, I'm-gonna kill-that-wolf-in-the-dam-with-my-bare-hands sort of thing. Not recommended.

11th death: Made it to day 7
07:55 Freezing
07:58 Not Freezing
08:16 Went to sleep.
09:16 Woke up after sleeping 1 hour
10:40 Starving
10:42 Ate Military-Grade MRE.
10:42 Not Starving
11:37 Freezing
11:37 Discovered Train Loading Area.
11:53 Discovered Train Bridge.
12:03 Discovered Carter Hydro Dam.
12:13 Not Freezing
12:28 Wolf attack!
12:28 Experiencing significant blood loss.
12:28 At risk for infected wound.
12:30 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
12:30 You died from loss of blood and shock from a wolf attack
... In the earlier days on this log, I was eating a lot of venison, so I'm pretty sure this was a failed attempt to kill Fluffy with the rifle.

12th death:

15:37 Ate Military-Grade MRE.
15:38 Not Starving
15:38 Contracted food poisoning.
Distance travelled during day: 4.27 km
Distance travelled during night: 0.00 km
Day 3:
Made it to day 3
17:00 Exhausted
18:42 Went to sleep.
20:38 Starving
21:25 You died from food poisoning while sleeping
... MRE: Meals Rejected by Everyone. Also, I probably either hadn't found antibiotics or didn't understand how to use them.


Anyways I thought I had kept more of these, but I'm not sure if I just got lazy and stopped saving them after each playthrough, or if I misplaced them. Thought they might be worth a giggle.



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Next death... Discover carter hydro dam... wolf attack... 
TheRealNFK - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH D:< Fluffy!!!!!! :devil:

I was really luky i guess... i just killed Fluffy in my first encounter (i i didnt know that it was a "special" wolf)
I enter at the dam, and after some loot i walk into the long hall and i heard a wolf...
I saw the shiny eyes in front of me... and quickly i turn on a flare, trow it to the ground, take my courage and charge directly to fluffy...
i survive the attack and fluffy was wounded... after 5 min fluffy bleeds to death


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Too funny!!  Reminds me so much of my own misadventures! :D 

I bought the game with no spoilers and no research, so when I went into the Dam, Fluffy was a surprise.  As soon as I opened the door, it wasn't even 5 seconds before she came around the door.  I didn't even have enough time to look around.  She literally made me jump and I nearly knocked my mouse off my desk.  I struggled with her, and she went off bleeding.  She didn't kill me, but she gave me a fear of entering buildings for a while until I learned she was the only one!

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Yes, I remember my first (and so far) only encounter with Fluffy. 

Sure, she's an ordinary wolf, with no special abilities or superpowers, other than to get herself locked inside a hydropower plant. She's completely interchangeable with the puppies outside.

Yet hearing her growl in the dark, not sure where she is coming from, unable to see her until she body slammed me to the floor . . .

By that point I had heard about Fluffy from this forum, but still I was glad I was wearing black pants that evening . . .


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Thanks for all the replies, I'm glad those old logs were worth a chuckle. Just in case you are wondering if I'm still stumbling around in the snow, this is the state of my current save as of last night:


Of course now that I've posted that I'll probably make a terrible mistake and die horribly next time I play. A lot of things can go wrong as I leave the lake for the coast!

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