Option to turn swearing off


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Yeah, this game is probably not suitable for young children :)

It is a fun game to play and watch played but if you have issues with violence and strong language (I'm anticipating that the final retail game will be rated "teen") than you may want to avoid showing it to kids until they're old enough to understand what's going on.

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Than you will probably need to make a personal judgement call. Like @Scyzara said the story trailer implies that there will be at least some negative (and likely violent) interactions with NPCs. How graphic this will be I don't know. Also, the new progress video released yesterday shows how many aspects, including the wolf struggle, are getting a graphical upgrade. Personally, I would be more concerned by the violence than the language depicted thus far in the game. While it may be possible to censor the voice acted speech it would be much harder to remove the violence.

That being said, I was playing Deus Ex in highschool and I still turned out fine :)


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I believe there's some more colorful language that the male character (Will) uses infrequently during wolf attacks: "Motherf***r" if I'm not mistaken. It's rather rare from what I can tell. Regardless, the game is rated "Teen" by the ESRB and does mention language in the content descriptors. So, the game is definitely not oriented towards young children, and is deemed to be acceptable for marketing towards teenagers. This is only supposed to be a guideline, though. The ESRB's mission statement is below:

" To empower consumers, especially parents, with guidance that allows them to make informed decisions about the age-appropriateness and suitability of video games and apps while holding the video game industry accountable for responsible marketing practices. "

Hinterland is obviously interested in making TLD a gritty, brutal experience because they put the content in there to begin with, and by looking at the teaser trailers it seems like they want to tackle even more mature content. While it might seem trivial to disable swearing at this point in development, down the line they're going to have to either a) tone-down the story they wanted to tell to make it accessible for younger audiences, b) run parallel development on two maturity settings (slowing down release dates), or c) spend hours in the office having a constant war over stifling creativity for the sense of censorship.

Personally, I don't want to see any of those things :). Color me selfish, I guess, but I'd rather let the Devs focus on telling me a dark, powerful story than head down the slippery slope of "keeping it clean".

Just my 2c.

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5 hours ago, Vilespectre said:

I believe there's some more colorful language that the male character (Will) uses infrequently during wolf attacks: "Motherf***r" if I'm not mistaken. It's rather rare from what I can tell. Regardless, the game is rated "Teen" by the ESRB and does mention language in the content descriptors. So, the game is definitely not oriented towards young children, and is deemed to be acceptable for marketing towards teenagers. This is only supposed to be a guideline, though. The ESRB's mission statement is below:

" To empower consumers, especially parents, with guidance that allows them to make informed decisions about the age-appropriateness and suitability of video games and apps while holding the video game industry accountable for responsible marketing practices. "

Hinterland is obviously interested in making TLD a gritty, brutal experience because they put the content in there to begin with, and by looking at the teaser trailers it seems like they want to tackle even more mature content. While it might seem trivial to disable swearing at this point in development, down the line they're going to have to either a) tone-down the story they wanted to tell to make it accessible for younger audiences, b) run parallel development on two maturity settings (slowing down release dates), or c) spend hours in the office having a constant war over stifling creativity for the sense of censorship.

Personally, I don't want to see any of those things :). Color me selfish, I guess, but I'd rather let the Devs focus on telling me a dark, powerful story than head down the slippery slope of "keeping it clean".

Just my 2c.


Swearing doesn't bother me if it supports the story. Swearing just for the sake of being "cool" is, well, uncool. It's kind of like sex, you know? If it furthers the storyline, fine. If it's just there for titillation, I don't want to see it. My own imagination is good enough!

So swearing during a wolf attack is a completely normal reaction, IMHO. So in this context it's just fine. 

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On 5.4.2016 at 10:18 PM, Cyion said:

Hello Devs,

May I suggest an option to turn off / on the voice acting that has swear words.

What swearing? why can't a man say I got to get out of the freaking cold when he is by himself ? he doesn't know that you are behind the screen :) cmon children of 3 talk like that. Don't get me wrong over excessive swearing is bad not to mention lame .

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