Bait for Fishing


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I've suggested this before but thought I should suggest it again. I would really like to be able to use bait to improve the chances of catching fish. I know I've always done a lot better with a small piece of bait than I have with a bare hook or spoon. Implementation would be fairly simple too. Either raw gut could be "harvested" to yield pieces of bait or you can use a few grams of raw or cooked meat. The general idea is that you can choose to sacrifice some supplies/food to weight the odds in your favour (but not guarantee) catching more fish. After a while the "baited line and hook" would either wear out or the bait will be "stolen" and it would need to be reapplied.

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I'd like bait too.  On the occasions when I have meat that has degraded into the red (usually when I have left for a long period of time due to extended trips), there's nothing I can really do with it.  It would be nice to be able to use it as fish bait...though the logistics of that might need to be worked out.  I mean, a 1 kilo piece of decayed rabbit would probably catch a shark! :P  But you get the idea...

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I agree,

A possibility of cutting meat into smaller pieces is definitely a need for this fishing bait idea. I've started a topic about cutting meat. Fishing without bait should be harder than it is now, and using meat bait should improve fishing a lot (size and occurrence of the fish). maybe every food should be usable to make a bait, considering they would attract more or less depending on what it is. Different food would attract different fish (that could be interesting, cause then you'd need to master fishing by trying different food to get the fish you want)



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Well the fish would be attracted to either the appearance of the bait or the smell. Since smell is more likely (it is quite dark under the ice in winter) then smellier baits (meat, guts) should be more effective than, say, dry crackers. Hence why I was so limited in my original proposal: it keeps things simple from a design perspective rather than assessing the merits of every food as bait.

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