Max Fire Lighting Skill with 1 match!


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Equipped with 1 match, a few torches, 5 dozen sticks or so and the same amount of tinder plugs you can max your fire lighting skill to 100.

Drop all items relating to fire lighting except for the above

Light your torch

Click the stove or place a fire (probably better to do indoors when the weathers poor).

The UI will default to Torch/Tinder Plug/Stick


The fire goes out after about 30 seconds and the UI for fire starting will even show the percentage of your torch remaining so you know when it's time to light a new one.

Sure it's boring but there's not much else to do in a blizzard when your just starting out!

Might raise the question of whether using torches and flares to light fires should raise your skill level, my personal preference would be to make the few skills in the game hidden values...

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Max Fire Lighting Skill without matches: find the magnifying glass first... You won't need torches either, but you will need good weather obviously.

I generally light fires using the magnifying glass when I have some time to kill and the weather is good to increase my fire starting skill. Never occurred to me to use torches that way. Could be a useful way to pass the time when trapped inside due to bad weather.

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11 hours ago, cekivi said:

That is a very clever exploit of the game's mechanics! :)

I suspect this will be nerfed in the very near future :D

You have option to light a torch with one match and then start a fire with it. No need to max out your skill, because you have a lot of tries to start a fire with a torch. I usually try to start a fire with one or two matches and then I'm using torch.

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